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Welcome to Gold Way India

Goldway investment company is a Multi-State investment registered under Multi State investment Act 2013, having its registration number: MSCS L.N.107-2016. The primary objective of the investment is to uplift the social and financial status of its members by promoting/educating saving habits amongst them. The saving products Gold can be in the shape of Investment , Schemes and some other investment plans. The investment and Gold has its registered office in Bengaluru. The area of operation of the Goldway enterprise company is limited to the areas of India .The norms and all the rules related to the investment are defined under the Byelaws of the Goldway enterprise, strictly abides by the Multi State investment Act 2013, doing its Gold business amongst its members of the Gold sales and services.

We are delighted to announce that have been providing successful and efficient services for over 7 Years and will continue in the future. With the spirit of the cooperation, our Goldway investment company is growing day by day from its formation, gaining trust of the depositors by providing safety and security to their Gold deposited in the services and lending to poor and middle class people to provide financial assistance for their development. We committed to serve the customers most effectively and strengthen the cooperative movement by working together through all the ways. We are always ready to give best and user-friendly services in secure manner.

The Goldway investment company has launched its interactive website for easy accessibility of various products & services for its customers. Investment services has successfully implemented Core Banking Solution (CBS) technology, through this technology. services customers can transact cash, transfer of fund, clearing, remittances, etc. from any branch of us. Money Transfer Services. credit services is also offering Tele-banking and Internet Banking services. Customers of our investment and financial services can get Monthly Returns of amoun

Vision & Mission

The vision and Mission of Goldway enterprise company is to provide its members the right path to achieve their all short term and long term financial goals. also focusing on providing the education and guidance related to all the financial aspects.

The main motto of the investment is to promote the interest of its members to attain their social and economic betterment through self-help and mutual aid in accordance with financial services principles.also committed to promote the economic interests and general welfare of the member in particular and public in general to offer them the opportunities to achieve best possible life standard and the overall development by assisting them in number of ways.

We believe in values rather than those who associated purely with profit making. We balance the need for profitability with the needs of our members and the wider interests of the community.

The investment uses the funds in lending to the members and investment as per the services Act/Rules/Byelaws. Our registration guidance and controlling authority are Central Registrar of investment services, Department of Agriculture & Cooperation, Ministry of Agriculture and Government of India.


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We help our client suceed by creating identities, digital experiences, & that communicate clearlymarketing goal and look fantastic. a

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We help our client suceed by creating identities, digital experiences, & that communicate clearlymarketing goal and look fantastic. a

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We help our client suceed by creating identities, digital experiences, & that communicate clearlymarketing goal and look fantastic. a

Sabir Jennings Director